Windows 10.

An in-place upgrade to Windows 10 at work went amazingly well. But due to some short-sightedness on my part, followed by a bit of insanity on Microsoft’s part, my upgrade at home failed utterly. After two days I ended up with a clean install (Windows 8 that was then immediately upgraded to 10), and having …

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The Witcher 2.

For several years, I was addicted to a computer game called The Witcher. It was a great first person fantasy game with real time combat, good puzzles, and a very good, and in depth, virtual world that lent itself to exploration and character interaction. Michelle would come into the study and say, “Oh, Fabio,” because …

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New beer.

There’s a new brewery that’s opened up in Toronto: Spearhead Brewery. It’s always good when we get more variety. Even more impressive is the number of pubs that will be serving it (I assume) on tap. In addition to some of our favourites, C’est What? and “The Academy Of Spherical Arts, there’s a lengthy list …

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