New navigation.

I’m thinking of moving this site’s navigation buttons from the left and right sides of the page to either the top or bottom. Every time I put the site into a narrow window, I often cringe at how things end up being formatted. (Although, despite looking a bit odd, it does all reformat properly.) If I let the left and right columns of text each take up a full 50% of screen real estate, I think it will look better on lower resolution monitors.

I’m still debating where I want the navigation buttons to end up – at the top or bottom. I’m leaning toward the bottom, but I’m not entirely sure. I’ll have to play around with a test page and see how it looks. (I just noticed that the email button brings up the text “Send email to Virgil.” rather than “Send email to Jason.” Oops. Fixing it will have to wait until I’m home from work.) I briefly considered removing the buttons altogether but quickly rejected that idea. There needs to be some kind of navigational theme in place. I do want to include a box of “Interesting Links” at some point, somewhere, and could possibily incorporate the navigational links into that – but I also want to keep consistency between my personal pages and those of Inferno Enteprises itself, and having buttons looks better.

Unfortunately, I fear that if I decide on this switch, I’m going to leave myself open to a world of hurt. You’d think that the design principles I currently have in use for the horizontal display would work just as well for a vertical layout – but I’m not entirely sure of that.