Paradise Hotel.

This is one of those reality shows that’s nothing more than mental pablum. I still, however, end up watching it in bed before going to sleep. It seems like a nice way of disconnecting your mind.

(Of course, I don’t really end up going to sleep. My wife Michelle does, then I get back up again and go through my nightly routine on the computer – checking email, MozillaZine, testing out new software, and so on.)

Yesterday I taped an episode because we were watching something else in its timeslot. It was no mystery which of the two conflicting programs was going to get taped. After watching it, Michelle said that we were hooked. I responded that I’d only taped it as “filler” and wouldn’t be at all bothered if I never saw it again. Obviously this was the wrong response, as she got a little annoyed and decided to interpret this as me saying that I’d rather watch TV than spend “quality” time together. (It’s always at this point that you start to feel as if you’re on a tightrope over some huge canyon, and the rope’s starting to fray.) Still, I can’t say that there isn’t something valid in her (unintented I think) criticism of the show over other activities.


  1. Well,Well,Well, Tonight I saw how childish Toni, Alex,and especially Zack were… Especially Zack! I think that that whole “group” is so immature. Toni is 30 years old? I Don`t think so she acts 12… I`m sorry but everyone in my town wants Charla and Dave/Keith to win…! They have been battered and traumatized by BULLIES . People like them don`t have a clue about the real world. It`s because of people like them (“group”) Others do drugs and commit suicide, and give America a bad name. I cant believe there are people like that how do they sleep at night??



  2. While this is true on the surface, the cynical side of me wonders just exactly how much of the show (and all shows like it) is staged for the benefit of viewers. Such childish behaviour like this can’t be anything but a ratings draw. Just look at how the segments are produced with the mood altering musical score and sound effects at the right moments to play on your sympathy and make you rally against the “bullies” and for the “picked on”.

    (And, yes, damn it, the fact that I still know what’s going on with the dysfunctional group means that I remain trapped by the show’s evil spell. It’s just that there’s nothing else on…)

  3. zack is totally imature – -always wanting to punch someone – – but geez – – his body is so incredibly hot. and he knows it! and he knows it’s a turn on – – and he uses that to his advantage. but he really needs to calm down – -cuz some day – – he’s gonna get involved with someone stronger than him – an dhe’s gona get his ass kicked.

  4. omg!!!!! amy just got booted off:'( cries*** damn she was da onli reason i watched da show!!! amy was so awesome….she was da onli person who actually deserved to win! charla keith dave n tara SUCK!!! i hope dey rot in hell!

  5. I’m locking this post so that no more entries can be added.

    Ironically, this was one of the first entries I made, and the only one that’s continued to receive attention since then.

    Recently, it’s all come from SPAMers wanting to advertise their viagra or penis enlargment products. Enough said.

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